Thursday, April 06, 2006

do you beleive in what you do

Screw It, Lets Do it

I should strongly admit that I love to buy lots of books but how much of those I read
and how many I complete reading is something not worth talking of. But I strongly believe that reading books can be categorized as follows.

1) Books worth reading more than once
2) Books worth buying not reading (dictionary perhaps)
3) Books for book collectors.
4) Books to be read at a stretch
5) Books to be read only for a few minutes
and so on....

Reading books is like tasting different recipes of food. Some are meant to be enjoyed and some are meant to be just tasted. But there is one book which caught my attention the moment I purchased it. The book "Screw It, Lets do it" is a very fascinating book by Richard Branson. I should admit that Richard is really a fascinating personality for his flamboyance, courage and confidence. Anything this guy touches turns to "Gold" as per his writings.

This book reminds me of my childhood days. How many people in this world are willing to take huge risks or willing to take risk or at least think of risks. Unless we take risk we can’t taste hurdles. Unless we face hurdles we can’t taste success. Richard Branson, never refused a challenge. His travel in balloons across Atlantic, pacific... talks on his killer instinct drive to face challenges.

Let me talk about skating or skiing experiences. How many of our parents motivate us to go for these. At least not in my known circles. I still remember when I first went to Sweden 2004, I saw snow for the first time and I was thrilled to go for skating or try the Skiis. I was contemplating on this and was expressing my experiences with snow with my family. My family was very concerned on this and their main concern was on the "If's and Not If's" of skating/skiing.

Very closely relating to this was another incident which I observed in Norway in Jan'2005. Norway was dark most of the time. The govt. usually converts one of this park near the National Theatre to a skating joint during this season. I was amused by the people, especially kids on skates in this park. There were kids who never had skated,some amateurs. It was around 800PM and the park was full of kids with the adults watching their kids playing with their skates. Among the kids there was a 3 year old kid who was new to his skates. The parents sent the kid to the playground. The kid kept falling and the parents kept pushing the kid back into the playgroud. This made me think about our small towns where how parents start protecting the kid. They might never allow the kid to try the skates it the kid keeps falling... a nice experience which can be experienced only by seeing ...
Coming back to my Sweden, my parents were worried on possible fractures etc and so on... So we come across many small incidents in our society where the thrills in small challenges are missed out or never tried for the fear of "unknown".
I should say, we live only once and we should always take calculative risks.

Do you think I did skiing in Sweden? I leave this to the reader's imagination.... :-)

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